No Compressed Air Needed
One Click and Mill
The P55D significantly reduces noise, creating a calm, focused workspace ideal for both clinics and labs.
Especially for clinics, it offers a more comfortable, patient-centered at-mosphere. An optimal choice for those prioritizing quality and comfort
Precisely recreate detailed tooth contours with 90-degree vertical milling, enhancing labial and buccal textures while reducing manual processing time for optimal results.
Equipped with a custom 0.3mm micro-carving bur and a 0.6mm extended bur, P55D achieves precise milling of details.
Expands buccal milling space, optimizes material nesting and edge use, and maximizes savings for dental labs.
The P55D features a high-concentration ionizer that neutralizes static inresin debris like PMMA, simplifying cleanup and enhancing efficiency.
No need for costly accessories such as air tools, cutting down on both initial and maintenance costs.
A larger milling chamber provides operatorswith more space and flexibility,enhancingthe material handling and removalexperience, and effectively increasing workefficiency.
With an 13-tool capacity, the automatic toochanger supports continuous milling acrossdifferent materials, minimizing downtime,boosting efficiency, and ensuring precisionand stability while reducing maintenancecosts.
Featuring an all-in-one silicone seal fordustproofing, this design effectively preventsdust intrusion into the machine, reducingcomponent wear and maintenance needsand significantly enhancing longevity.